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B1号 [運河を挟んで向き合う]

The “Character” of the Nakagawa

Canal Thought of in Pictures:

issue B1 [Facing Each Other Across the Canal]


Counterpart Double A-side Townscape: representation of the - due to the symmetries and reflections of its simple shaped warehouses - specific architectural situation along the canal


development and distribution:



対をなす両A面の① 本線の状況(表紙)

front page: ① ​a scene from the canal main line: When you step into one of these warehouses, you can on the opposite quay see the same warehouse open to both the canal and the road through its gaping mouth on the surface of the water.

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対をなす両A面の②  東支線の状況

situation at the East Branch

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4.21 Unga B1 kura_shisen2 street 5 Scan2 fb.jpg


situation at the canals terminal end

4.21 Unga B1 horidome canal fb.jpg
4.21 Unga B1 horidome street fb.jpg


some drafts where I tried to capture the ambience at the canal

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4.21 Unga B1 kura_honsen street skizze fb.jpg
4.21 Unga B1 titel skizze 2019-04-13.jpg
4.21 Unga B1 titel skizze 2019-07-11 21 26 58.jpg
4.21 Unga B1 10-08-19 18 02 02b.jpg


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© 2024 by Clemens METZLER クレメンス メッツラー     

イラストレーター、Clemens Metzler, Illustrator | Japan | 墨のメルヘン | 歴史 | 時代 | 時代物 | 明治 | 大正 | 昭和 | 名古屋 | 中川運河 | 建築 | 地図 | 鳥瞰図 | 線画 |モノクロ | 白黒

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