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2.5 Suzu 0-4 Oku-Noto Triennale DSCN8134 cm.jpg


Guidebook to the Oku-Noto Triennale



illustrations to introduce the region








You may have heard of the Setouchi International Art Festival. A new art festival by the same director, Fram Kitagawa, is held since September 2017 in the city of Suzu, at the cutting edge of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture. 

 The city of Suzu is so remote that it has been called the "farthest place from home", but because of this, it has a rich traditional culture and nature, and the charisma of the region is very strong.

I was asked to illustrate the special features of the region in a guidebook, for which the rather sober style of my drawings seemed well suited. To amplify the interest in the festival and the land, I drew in a realistic monotone the boats, the people working in the salt pans and the local insect, the Hanmyo (Tiger Beetle).

© 2024 by Clemens METZLER クレメンス メッツラー     

イラストレーター、Clemens Metzler, Illustrator | Japan | 墨のメルヘン | 歴史 | 時代 | 時代物 | 明治 | 大正 | 昭和 | 名古屋 | 中川運河 | 建築 | 地図 | 鳥瞰図 | 線画 |モノクロ | 白黒

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