National Treasure Inuyama Castle
about the location of the castle and its structure
client:犬山市観光協会 planning:石井晴雄+森真弓 愛知県立芸術大学准教授 production:岩瀬直樹
1 犬山城の立地図 location map

Inuyama Castle was built at the northernmost tip of Owari-han (fief; Owari is today the western part of Aichi Prefecture)
at the foot of a fan-shaped area formed by the Kiso River. The Kiso River is the natural boundary between
the Mino-han (present-day Gifu Prefecture), with its main castle of Gifu, and the Owari-han, with Nagoya Castle
where Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1603 established the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Inuyama Castle is located about halfway along the line connecting the two camps and was the scene
of many battles due to this strategic importance.
2 城の郭構造 castle structure
総構え Sogamae (exterior ramparts)
① 入口 entrance with crooked road design to make intrusions difficult and easy to defend against
② 犬山駅、現在の到着点 present-day arrival point: Inuyama Station ③ 外堀 Sotobori (outer moat)
④ 本町通り Honmachi-dori (main street of the castle town)
3 今と江戸時代 犬山駅周辺からの眺め today and in the Edo period: view from Inuyama Station area

4 城郭構造 castle structure
縄張り Nawabari (citadel)
① 本丸 Hon-maru (central wall) and four outside walls: ② 杉の丸 Sugi-no-maru, ③ 樅の丸 Momi-no-maru,
④ 桐の丸 Iri-no-maru, and ⑤ 松の丸 Matsu-no-maru
⑥ 大手道 Ote-michi (the central lane) runs through the middle of the castle territory and has five gates.
5 城郭構造 castle structure
天守の構造と仕組み structure of the castle tower